Our publications

February 18, 2017
By City Space Architecture

City Space Architecture is committed to discuss and spread awareness on the importance of public space in our cities. Starting from 2010 our President Luisa Bravo participated in international conferences and seminars and published articles and essays on relevant journals and with consolidated publishers.
The following are selected most relevent publications.




#Beirut, Urbanism and me: framing the city through space, identity and conflict
by Luisa Bravo
Book chapter in Luger J., Ren J. (eds.), Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape, Routledge, pp. 207-228, ISBN 9781315303024.




Public life and urban humanities, beyond the ideal city
by Luisa Bravo
Book chapter in Guaralda M., Clift E. and Mattes A. (eds.) Filming the City. Urban documents, design practices & social criticism through the lens, Intellect - The University of Chicago Press, pp. 205-221, ISBN 978-1-78320-554-7.


Looking for the mall: public life in the city of dispersal
by Luisa Bravo
Scientific paper included in the proceedings of the proceedings of the 2013 ISUF - International Seminar on Urban Forum - conference Urban Form at the Edge, Brisbane, 17-20 July 2013, Queensland University of Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 78-87,  ISBN 978-1-925553-01-7.
Read the paper here.


Pop-up City. Searching for instant urbanity
by Luisa Bravo
Journal article published on «The Journal of Public Space», Queensland University of Technology, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 155-158, ISSN 2206-9658.
Read the paper here.





Publics and their spaces. Renewing urbanity in city and suburb
by Luisa Bravo and Margaret Crawford
Book chapter in Cavallo, R. et al. (eds), New urban configurations, IOS Press & TU Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 784-789, ISBN 978-1-61499-365-0.

Read the book chapter here.


The urban design is dead, long live the urban design!
by Luisa Bravo
Scientific paper in “Planum. The Journal of Urbanism”, proceedings of the XVII National Conference SIU - Società italiana degli urbanisti, L'urbanistica italiana nel mondo. Prospettive internazionali, contributi e debiti culturali, Politecnico di Milano, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp.777-781, ISBN 9788899237004.
Read the paper here (in Italian).


Spazi urbani e vita pubblica. Azioni ed esperimenti di social engagement
by Luisa Bravo
Scientific paper in Vitellio I. (ed.) "Urbanistica Dossier on line #6", Città Open Source. Spazio pubblico, network, innovazione sociale, Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico, INU edizioni, pp.114-118, ISBN 978-88-7603-101-4.
Read the paper here (in Italian).




The Public Space of Education
by Luisa Bravo and Claudio Sgarbi
Special issue of «IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura», open access, academic journal, Vol. 4, n. 1, Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, ISSN 2036-1602, collecting first outcomes of the "Past Present and Future of Public Space" research project.
Read the full issue here.
In this issue you can also find the paper
Open Spaces, Public Spaces, Publics, Open-minded Places
by Luisa Bravo
Read the paper here.


Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: towards an Urban Activism Manifesto
by Luisa Bravo, Camilla Carmagnini and Noa Matityahou
Scientific paper in Sbetti, F., Rossi, F., Talia, M. and Trillo, C. (eds.) “Urbanistica on line”, Dossier n. 4, Il governo della città nella contemporaneità. La città come motore di sviluppo, XXVIII INU Congress proceedings, INU Edizioni, Roma, pp. 33-36, ISBN 978-88-7603-094-9.

Read the paper here.


The city as an extended network of public spaces: reconnecting the spirit of place and time through modeling of old realities and new virtualities

by Luisa Bravo and Simone Garagnani

Scientific paper included in the Proceedings of the 7th conference of International Forum of Urbanism (IFoU), Creative Renaissance, 7-11 October 2013, Cheng Kung University (NCKU), College of Planning and Design in Tainan (Taiwan), pp. 566-574, ISBN 9789860382396. The paper was the recipient of the IFoU BEST PAPER AWARD.

Read the paper here.




Public spaces and urban beauty. The pursuit of happiness in the contemporary European city
by Luisa Bravo

Scientific paper included in Pinto da Silva, M. (ed.), EURAU12 Porto | Espaço Público e Cidade Contemporânea: Actas do 6° European symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban design, Porto, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), 12-15 September 2012, ISBN 978-989-8527-01-1.
Read the paper here.




Genius loci and genius saeculi: a sustainable way to understand contemporary urban dynamics
by Luisa Bravo
Scientific paper included in 14th International Planning History Society (IPHS) conference proceedings, 12-15 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Urban Transformation: controversies, contrasts and challenges, ITU - Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center, Istanbul, Vol. II, pp. 543-554, ISBN 978-975-561-375-8.
Read the paper here.