City Space Architecture is included in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions - WUF10 outcome
As we previosuly announced, City Space Architecture was selected to be as an exhibitor in the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi, on 8-13 February 2020. The World Urban Forum (WUF) was established in 2001 by the United Nations to address one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies. The Forum is a high level, open and inclusive platform. This was the first time that an Arab country hosted the world’s most important conference on cities and human settlements. The theme of WUF10 in Abu Dhabi was 'Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation'.
City Space Architecture partnered with 16 global institutions to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, with a specific interest on target 11.7 - By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.
The title of the exhibition was: PUBLIC SPACE IS VITAL FOR AN EQUITABLE URBAN FUTURE, and highlighted the following keywords: care, belonging, inclusion, diversity, innovation, culture, safety, prosperity, health, well-being, universal accessibility, entrepreneurship.
City Space Architecture partnered with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Healthbridge Foundation of Canada, Block by Block, Project for Public Spaces, University of Auckland, Columbia University, Federal University Rio de Janeiro, Auckland City Council, KTH Centre for the the Future of Places, IHC Global, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, Sustasis Foundation, Global Utmaning, Public Space Research Group (PSRG), Ukrainian City and Regional Planning Research Center, General Assembly of Partners (GAP) Older Persons. For more pictures and information check the event on our Facebook page.


City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with: (from left to right) Peter Elmlund (Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Sweden); Setha Low and Erin Lilli (City University of New York, The Graduate Center, Public Space Research Group, USA); Kristie Daniel (Healthbridge Foundation of Canada, Canada) and her team, including Phaeba Abraham and Dinh Dang Hai; Luisa Bravo (Founder and Editor in Chief of The Journal of Public Space, Founder and President of City Space Architecture).

City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with: (from left to right) Jose Chong (UN-Habitat's Global Public Space Programme), Luisa Bravo (Founder and Editor in Chief of The Journal of Public Space, Founder and President of City Space Architecture), Cecilia Andersson (Program Director, UN-Habitat's Global Public Space Programme).

City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with: (from left to right) Ethan Kent (PlacemakingX, USA); Puvendra Akkiah (UCLG - United Cities and Local Governments, EThekwini Municipality, Durban, South Africa); Dinh Dang Hai (Healthbridge Foundation of Canada, Canada); Luisa Bravo (Founder and President of City Space Architecture); Theodore Liebman (Perkins Eastman, USA); Mona Helmy (The British University in Egypt, Egypt).


City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10: our Founder and President Luisa Bravo (left) is discussing with Katherine Kline (right), co-chair of GAP - General Assembly of Partners Older Persons, about supporting World Health Organization (WHO)’s Age-friendly Cities & Communities.

City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with Anna Rubbo (left), Columbia University, and her team presenting the Local Project Challenge, a project developed as a partnership between the Center for Sustainable Urban Development, The Earth Institute, Columbia University and the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University, Rio de Janiero, and builds on Global Studio and People Building Better Cities.

City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with (left) Judith Hermanson (IHC Global, USA) and (right) Lance Jay Brown (Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, USA), with our Founder and President Luisa Bravo.
City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10: we received the visit of Dr Joan Clos, former Executive Director of UN-Habitat, while screening an interview he gave to Michael W. Mehaffy in 2018 at the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur.
City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10: we received the visit of (right) Eduardo Lopez Moreno, Head of knowledge and innovation at UN-Habitat headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and interim director of the Mexico and Cuba country offices, and (left) Peter Elmlund, Director of the Urban Program at Ax:son Johnson Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.
City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10: we received the visit of (middle) Vincent Kitio, Head of Urban Energy Unit at UN-Habitat, with (right) Federico Fiume, Liter of Light Italia / University of Trento, Italy.
As an outcome of our efforts, The Journal of Public Space and City Space Architecture have been included in the Abu Dhabi declared actions, the official outcome of WUF10 to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We have made a commitment to work on universal accessibility, in partnership with World Blind Union.
(pagg. 12, 24, 38):
/// World Blind Union (WBU) in partnership with UN-HABITAT agrees to implement an agreement to accelerate UN-Habitat’s work towards mainstreaming disability inclusion, universal design and accessibility within its strategies, policies, programs and operations in line with the Agenda 2030, the New Urban Agenda, United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy. WBU commits to contribute to awareness raising and learning on universal design by publishing a special issue of The Journal of Public Space in partnership with City Space Architecture prior to World Urban Forum 11 ///
This is an amazing achievement for us! And an important recognition of our role in shaping the New Urban Agenda at the global level in regard of public space!
City Space Architecture's exhibition space at WUF10 with: (from left to right) Luisa Bravo (Founder and Editor in Chief of The Journal of Public Space, Founder and President of City Space Architecture), Benjamin Dard (Global Advisor for Accessibility and Universal Design, CBM International) and Hannes J. Lagrelius (Program Officer, Global Program for Inclusive and Accessible Urban Development 2020-2023, World Blind Union).
At WUF10 City Space Architecture also coordinated a side event at the Urban Library where we presented The Journal of Public Space and launched our latest issues, including 'Art and Activism in Public Space' and 'Placemaking in Arab Cities', with our Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo and an amazing panel of speakers: Laura Petrella (UN-Habitat, Planning, Finance and Economy Section, Global Solutions Division, Kenya), Michael West Mehaffy (KTH Centre for the Future of Places, Sweden), Mona Helmy (The British University in Egypt, Egypt), Setha Low (Public Space Research Group, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA), Manfredo Manfredini (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Lance Jay Brown (Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, USA), Theodore Liebman (Perkins Eastman, USA), Hannes J. Lagrelius (World Blind Union, Canada), Greg Mews (Urban Synergies Group, Australia), Judith Hermanson (IHC Global, USA), Gionata Gatto (DIDI Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation, UAE), Bruno Ávila (CoUrb Instituto de Urbanismo Colaborativo, Brazil), Gernot Riether (College of Architecture and Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA).


City Space Architecture's side event at WUF10 - Urban Library to present The Journal of Public Space. Read more on our Facebook event. From top: Luisa Bravo, Founder and Editor in Chief of The Journal of Public Space; (left), Laura Petrella, UN-Habitat; (right) Mona Helmy, The British University in Egypt, Guest Editor of the special issue 'Placemaking in Arab Cities'; Manfredo Manfredini, University of Auckland; the audience attending the event.
Our Founder and President Luisa Bravo was invited to serve as a speaker in the following events:
- side event #49 'The Public Realm: from the Classical to the Digital', promoted by Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, New York. Tuesday February 11. Speakers: Lance Jay Brown (Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, USA), Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture & The Journal of Public Space, Italy), Theodore Liebman (Perkins Eastman, USA), Gernot Riether (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) and Anna Rubbo (Columbia University, Earth Institute, USA).

- networking event #104 'Public Space in the New Urban Agenda: New Research Findings, Strategies, and Tools', organized by Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Stockholm. Tuesday February 11. Speakers (first roundtable): Michael W. Mehaffy (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Centre for the Future of Places, Sweden), Luis Bettencourt (Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, University of Chicago, USA), Setha Low (City University of New York The Graduate Centre, Public Space Research Group, USA), Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture & The Journal of Public Space, Italy) and Andrew Rudd (UN-Habitat).

- networking event #136 'The Yin and Yang of Inclusive Cities: Technology and Local Partnerships', organized by IHC Global, Washington DC; and Coalition for Inclusive Housing and Sustainable Cities and Development Action Group (DAG), South Africa. Wednesday February 12. Speakers: Judith Hermanson (IHC Global, USA), Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture & The Journal of Public Space, Italy), Ayona Datta (Learning from Small Cities, UCL, UK), Sri Sofjan (Huairou Commission), Nolwandle Gqiba (Human Settlements, City of Cape Town (CoCT), South Africa), Barry Pinsky (Rooftops Canada/Abri International, Canada) and Querida Saal (Development Action Group, South Africa).


At the 10th World Urban Forum we also officially launched our new project, the Public Space Academy, an innovative educational programme and a transformative learning experience aimed at establishing a new approach to urban complexity built around public space. It is intended to spread awareness on the importance of public space culture and to change the mind-set of new generations of global citizens towards a more comprehensive understanding of our cities and societies. The Public Space Academy was selected and included in the Local Project Challenge, a project developed as a partnership between the Center for Sustainable Urban Development, The Earth Institute, Columbia University and the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University, Rio de Janiero, and builds on Global Studio and People Building Better Cities. Read more here:
The Public Space Academy is expected to start in 2022, subscriptions to our newsletter are currently open, at this link.
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