Call for Advisors on Public Space

April 25, 2020
By City Space Architecture

City Space Architecture is interested to expand projects and activities related to public space and is currently willing to appoint a number of Advisors to join the existing Boards, both for early career and senior positions.



City Space Architecture is a non-profit organization based in Bologna, Italy, with a mission to studying, making, spreading and sharing public space culture, through an interdisciplinary approach, involving art and architecture. We work on education, academic research and innovative, human-oriented design.


City Space Architecture is the founder of The Journal of Public Space, the first, interdisciplinary, academic, open access journal entirely dedicated to public space, in partnership with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Huamn Settelement Programme. In 2019 City Space Architecture signed a letter of agreement with UN-Habitat, during the first UN-Habitat Assembly in Nairobi, in order to collaborate in the development of The Journal of Public Space and on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted at the Habitat III conference, held in Quito (Ecuador, 2016) and of the Sustainable Development Goals related to the Agenda 2030. City Space Architecture has actively participated in several major UN summits, suchs as the Habitat III conference on Housing And Urban Sustainable Development held in Quito (2016), in the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur (2018), in the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi (2020), in the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice (2022) and in the 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo (2024).


City Space Architecture promotes international conferences, workshops, exhibitions and events on public space since its foundation in 2013, in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with leading Universities and distinguished scholars and professionals, such as the academic series 'Past Present and Future of Public Space' and the professional series 'Public Space Challenges', together with educational programmes for students such as 'New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage'.
Read more about our partners and collaborations.


In 2019 City Space Architecture has been awarded with a grant from the Creative Europe program of the European Commission for the project A-PLACE. Linking places through networked artistic practices. The purpose of A-Place is to design and implement art-centred place making activities that cut across disciplinary, cultural and geographic boundaries, including a series of actions (i.e. performances, installations, debates, and video and photography productions) that are carried out in six European cities: Barcelona, Bologna, Brussels, Lisbon, Ljubljana, and Nicosia. This site-specific research is intended to examine the role of artistic practices as a catalyst for connecting and strengthening communities. The project was completed in 2023.


In 2020 City Space Architecture promoted the initative '2020: A Year without Public Space under the Covid-19 Pandemic', running from April to September. It was intended as a response to the COVID-19 health emergency from a public space perspective. The initiative included a global campaign to collect feedacks from all countries, a series of webinars and panel discussions, a final two-day symposium and a special issue of The Journal Public Space.

In 2021 City Space Architecture has participated in the 17th Internatinoal Architecture Exhibition in Venice How will we live together? curated by Hasim Sarkis, and developed the research project 'Mapping Resilient Communities' in partnership with UN-Habitat.


in 2022 City Space Architecture launched the web-magazine 'Mastering Public Space', hosting a collection of public space news in open access format from influential and reliable sources, curated by a cross-disciplinary team of researchers and practitioners committed to spread awareness on the importance of public space in cities.


In 2022, City Space Architecture has started the Public Space Academy, an innovative educational program, a transformative learning experience aimed at establishing a new approach to urban complexity built around public space. The Academy is intended to spread awareness on the importance of public space culture and to change the mind-set of new generations of global citizens towards a more comprehensive understanding of our cities and societies. It is developed in partnership with the Ove Arup Foundation and with the generous support of UN-Habitat. The first in-person workshop took place in Bologna on 1-10 September 2023, developed in cooperation with the European Prize for Urban Public Space promoted by the Centre for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, while the online training program started in January 2024, on a dedicated OpenEdX platform managed by City Space Architecture.


City Space Architecture has established in 2020 - during the COVID-19 pandemic - the first Public Space Museum, a creative practice entirely dedicated to collaborative and transdisciplinary approach to public space practice, merging art and architecture into a complex new discipline, in partnership with the Italian for-profit company Genius Saeculi.


In 2024 City Space Architecture organized in Bologna the fifth conference of the successful series Past Present and Future of Public Space, in the framework of the celebration of the 10th anniversary.


City Space Architecture receives funding ONLY from membership fees, contributions, grants and donations. 100% of all donations goes towards supporting our projects and activities. We do not develop commercial contents.




This call will stay open until January 18, 2025.

For any information please write to:




City Space Architecture will appoint both early career and senior academic scholars, researchers, professionals, community leaders, activists, artists with a clear background in public space, in relation to different areas of expertise, such as - but not limited to - architecture and urban design, art, environment, climate change, health and safety, geography, anthropology, ethnography, community empowerment, migrations, inclusions, economy, politics, law, public policies, developing countries, virtual world and media.


The position is without remuneration and requires a volunteer commitment.
All Advisors must be members of CitySpace Architecture. Read more about becoming a member.

This call is open to all, existing members and new members.

Read about our existing boards and members.


Appointed Advisors will give advice to the Council Board and to the President on several strategic programmes, such as the Public Space Academy, and will be actively engaged in City Space Architecture's projects. They will play a crucial role in defining new opportunities of cooperation and development for global impact, such as implementation of new projects aimed at promoting public space culture at the local, regional and national level.
Advisors have no final say in any of the decisions of City Space Architecture.

Appointed Advisors will be working closely with the Council Board and the President.




Early career

◾️ At least 3 years of demonstrated experience in the academic or in the non-academic field.
◾️ A thinker/doer, conscious, passionate about driving positive social change.
◾️ Engagement in at least one relevant, community-led project on public space at the local, state or global level.
◾️ Basic knowledge of the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

Advisors appointed for the early career position will help City Space Architecture to build up the Youth Programme, aimed at engaging the new generations into the global discussion on public space, cities and resilient communities.



◾️ 10 or more years of relevant experience in public space research or practice, as an academic, activist, professional, stakeholder or community leader.
◾️ Engagement as coordinator/leader in at least one relevant, community-led/community-based project on public space at the local, state or global level.
◾️ (desirable) Relevant position(s) in decision-making group(s) at the local, state or global level, with reference to the New Urban Agenda and/or Sustainable Development Goals.
