Our Film Festival 'Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City' - 100 films in FREE streaming


August 21, 2021
By City Space Architecture

Still frame from PANORAMA, by Gianluca Abbate.


During the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, when Italy was experiencing a severe lockdown, we started to work on our brand new Film Festival Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City, developed as part of A-Place. Linking places through networked artistic practices and co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. The Festival was supposed to take place in November 2020 but was posponed due to the pandemic.

The aim of the UV film festival is to develop a field of research activities to facilitate a dialogue between urban theory, social complexity and film studies, and to raise awareness of some contemporary urban issues, emphasizing the relationship between individuals and the urban spaces they inhabit. In this context, a film becomes a tool to open new perspectives, to explore new theoretical paradigms and research methods, to establish an effective understanding around urban humanities, especially in the urban settings in which the festival will take place.

“URBAN VISIONS. Beyond the Ideal City” is the first, indipendent, Italian-based film festival for short films entirely dedicated to the contemporary city and to urban public life, aimed at exploring urban humanities through an interdisciplinary approach.

The first edition of Urban Visions took place on 22-25 April 2021, on a streaming platform - www.visioniurbane.stream, created in cooperation with OpenDDB, the first distribution network of independent productions in Europe.

We hosted over 100 films on a FREE streaming!

We are glad to announce that the free streaming will re-open and all films included in the competitions will be available to watch FOR FREE for two weeks, from August 23 at 8.00am (Italian time) till September 6 at midnight (Italian time) -> extended to September 13 at midnight (Italian time).
VOTE YOUR FAVOURITE FILM! We are eager to assign the Audience Award!

For more info write to urbanvisions@cityspacearchitecture.org.


And now we are running the competition for short films for the second year of the Festival. Read the OPEN CALL on A-Place and apply by 15 September 2021.



Official website (in Italian): www.cityspacearchitecture.org/urbanvisions.

Follow our Facebook page Visioni Urbane / Urban Visions.


For the first edition of our Film Festival Urban Visions, we received 1300+ short films from all over the world, divided in three categories:

- Urban Visions, collecting narratives of different realities, to investigate city’s connections, intersections and activities while focusing on the public realm, where public aspects, related to participation, sharing and social practices, blend with private aspirations, related to individuality, diversity and lifestyles.

- A-Place / Migrants, refugees and displaces communities, investigating the living conditions of migrants, refugees and displaced communities in cities, in Italy and elsewhere.

- A-Place / A Confined Urban Vision" (online), investigating human life in cities during the COVID-19 pandemic.


100 flms were included in the official selection, together with several films out of competition, on the condition of migrants and refugees. We hosted several special events, with Italian and international guests.




Category: Urban Visions

Osaka: a city symphony, by Pezhmann Mokary


HONORABLE MENTION - Contemporary urban challenges
Get off, by Teymour Ghaderi


HONORABLE MENTION - Portraits of cities
Big Durian Big Apple, by Azalia Muchransyah


HONORABLE MENTION - Living the urban
Superjednostka (Superunit), by Teresa Czepiec


HONORABLE MENTION - Performing the urban
I don't see deer, by Stella Mastorosteriou


HONORABLE MENTION - Community as an agent of change
Pretty Vacant, by Cigdem Slankard


Category A-Place / Migrants, refugees and displaced communities

La gita, by Salvatore Allocca


Withering Refuge, by Pedro Figueiredo Neto


The Note, by Siavash Eydani


Bismillah, by Alessandro Grande



Migrante, by Esteban Ezequiel Dalinger, Cesar Daniel Iezzi


Category A-Place / A Confined Urban Vision


Quarantine Mood, by Alessandro Marinelli



Gone, by Anika Salvesen



A Mask for everyone, by Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz



Year Zero: Restart, by Domenico Agosto

Read more here.


We would like to thank our jury members

- for Urban Visions: Romina Peritore, Rossella Ferorelli, Simone D'Antonio, Gloria Aura Bortolini

- for A-Place / Migrants, refugees and displaced communities: Patricia Pereira, Maria Irene Aparicio, Victoria Sacco

- for A-Place / A Confined Urban Vision: Colin Fournier, Ruben Verdu, Patricia Pereira, Maria Irene Aparicio, Rosaura Romero.


The second edition of the Film Festival Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City will take place on 11-14 November 2021 in a blended format, both online and at cinemas. Stay tuned for updates! And see you in Bologna!


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