Internship CIMS Canada

New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada

February 5, 2017
By City Space Architecture

Starting from 2015, City Space Architecture is partner of Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) in the research project called "New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada", funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Program and coordinated by CIMS - Carleton Immersive Media Studio. The research proejct involves leading international institutions and universities.
New Paradigm / New Tools is intended to explore the implications for architectural practice and pedagogy in what Gustavo Araoz characterizes as a “new paradigm” for heritage conservation. Araoz, president of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), observes that, while the parameters that guide theories of conservation have gradually moved toward intangible heritage, the practice of heritage conservation remains doggedly preoccupied with monuments. To address this, Araoz argues that we must separate the heritage values associated with cultural objects from the objects themselves. The role of the heritage architect, then, is not as a guardian of buildings per se — but as an agent for “managing change” through negotiation with competing cultural voices.
The internship at City Space Architecture is aimed at a deep study of the Italian city by means of digital photo-modeling and high definition surveys in order to capture its reality and experience it in the digital domain. The research project has a wider perspective, since it is oriented to the authoring of a set of data that will be the starting point for the discussion on the contemporary urban space, linking to digital models heterogeneous kind of information about the city. The project, whose boundaries are fading to the inter-disciplinary fields of architecture, computer graphics, history and urban design, is going to start profitable foreign exchanges on the subject of technology in relation to the urban form.
City Space Architecture's advisors in the "New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada" research project are Simone Garagnani, our Vice President, for the digital modeling and representation, and Luisa Bravo, our President, for the urban planning and design analysis.

Read more about the project on CIMS website:

and on the webiste of the project (NPNT):



James Arteaga, 2016
Cristina Ranalli and Marie-Christine Blais, 2017
Martine Gallant, 2018


The three-months long work, a first step in this research, explored the gap in the intangible and living heritage of many squares and public spaces in Bologna's historic centre, connected by social issues, historical events and citizens' emotional perceptions and feelings. Piazza Verdi, Piazza Rossini, the whole Zamboni street until the "Due Torri", iconic symbol of Bologna, were documented and investigated through photo-modeling and laser scanning, in order to prepare a digital framework oriented to collaborative processes that the private and public sectors could use to produce innovative outcomes on the understanding of urban spaces.

James Arteaga, the brilliant intern who participated to the program at our office in Bologna, actively helped to develop our last challenging project on the image of the city, expressed through sophisticated morphological, spatial and architectural representations.
This research project has a wider perspective, since it is oriented to the authoring of datasets that will be the starting point for the discussion on the contemporary urban space, linking to digital models intangible information about the city.
First outcomes of the research activities were presented at the eighth International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design ASCAAD 2016, organised at SOAS University of London - London, United Kingdom, with a paper entitled '
UNDERSTANDING INTANGIBLE CULTURAL LANDSCAPES. Digital tools as a medium to explore the complexity of the urban space', authored by Simone Garagnani, James Arteaga and Luisa Bravo. The paper was included in the conference proceeedings published on CumInCAD.





CIMS 2017


From left to right: our Vice President Simone Garagnani, our interns from CIMS Cristina Ranalli and Marie-Christine Blais, our President Luisa Bravo, our honorary member Mirko Guaralda visiting us from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, during a workshop at our operational headquarters in Bologna.


.THIRD YEAR (2018)



BIM approach to study the archaeological heritage: the city of Pompeii and our research program with Carleton University’s CIMS (a research work still in progress by Simone Garagnani and Martine Gallant).