City Space Architecture cooperating with Eastern Mediterranean University

November 15, 2021
By City Space Architecture


In 2021 City Space Architecture signed a cooperation agreement with the Eastern Mediterranean University, Urban Research and Development Center (EMU-URDC) based in Cyprus. This cooperation aimed at establishing joint academic initiatives on architecture and urbanism, with a specific focus on public space, engaging students, young and established researchers, and literary scholars, at the global level, with a cross-disciplinary perspective.


As part of the cooperation, the two institutions are starting a series of webinars in 2022 to celebrate public spaces under the scope of significant international occasions:

- International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022
- Earth Day on 22 April 2022
- International Museums Day on 18 May 2022
- World Habitat Day on 3 October 2022
- World Cities Day on 31 October 2022
- World Children’s Day on 30 November 2022

These events are intended to raise awareness on the value and importance of public space and to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030. The initiative is curated by our Founder and President Dr Luisa Bravo and by EMU-URDC Director Prof Sebnem Hoskara.
Read about the full initiative on the Facebook event.


The two institutions will also organize other activities in 2023, including the launch of a Public Space Award for Master and PhD thesis, discussing public space both at the theoretical and at the implementation leve, with regard of research, design, policies and processes.


Watch the 2022 webinar series "Celebrating Public Space"
on our Youtube playlist.


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