Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City | Our film competition on the contemporary city

February 27, 2017
By City Space Architecture


We are very glad to present the third edition of our research project 'Visioni Urbane | Urban Visions. Beyond the ideal city', a competition entirely dedicated to the investigation of the contemporary city through short films. Visioni Urbane is the first film competition in the Italian context involving film-makers at a professional level on topics related to cities and urbanity, so it is a unique platform able to foster interaction and exchange between different disciplines, such as architecture, sociological studies, urban design and film studies, while delivering to spectators insights and meanings on daily urban life in cities.
Read more about our research project here.

Visioni Urbane is a section of Visioni Italiane/Italian Visions Festival, a well-known Italian film competition promoted by Cineteca di Bologna, a prime centre known globally for film studies, film archives and film restoration. 
The 2017 Festival will open tonight, February 27, 2017 at Cinena Lumiere.

The full program of the Festival is available at this link: http://www.cinetecadibologna.it/files/festival/VisioniItaliane/programma_visioni_2017.pdf 

The webiste of the Festival Visioni Italiane is:

More deatils on Visioni Urbane at the 2017 Festival (in Italian) at this link:


Follow Visioni Urbane on our Facebook page (in Italian): 

and on our Twitter profile @CitySpaceArchi with the hashtag #VisioniUrbane.

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Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City

February 21, 2016
By City Space Architecture


After the success of the first edition in 2015, we are very glad to present the 2016 edition of Visioni Urbane | Urban Visions. Beyond the ideal city, an Italian competition for short films entirely dedicated to the investigation of the contemporary city. Visioni Urbane is a section of the 22 edition of Visioni Italiane/Italian Visions Festival, a well-known Italian film competition promoted by Cineteca di Bologna, a prime centre known globally for film studies, film archives and film restoration.
The Festival will open on Wednesday February 24: 5 days for more than 70 films, more than 50 film-makers, meetings and master classes with directors and actors of the Italian film industry.

The full program of the Festival is available at this link: 
Watch the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcTJHdS2DEY

Visioni Urbane is the first film competition in the Italian context involving film-makers at a professional level on topics related to cities and urbanity, so it is a unique platform able to foster interaction and exchange between different disciplines, such as architecture, sociological studies, urban design and film studies, while delivering to spectators insights and meanings on daily urban life in cities.

Follow Visioni Urbane on our Facebook page (in Italian): 
and on our Twitter profile @CitySpaceArchi with the hashtag #VisioniUrbane.

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Urban Visions | Conversazioni sullo spazio pubblico

March 28, 2015
By City Space Architecture


City Space Architecture is proud to present the shortlisted films from "Urban Visions - Beyond the Ideal City", a brand new section that was included for the first time in 2014 as part of the 21° Italian Festival Visioni Italiane, promoted by Cineteca di Bologna, that took place on February 25 - March 1, 2015. Visioni Italiane was born in 1994 in order to give space to all those works that are made by young authors and that remain largely invisible, such as short films, documentaries and experimental films, in search of a distribution.
On April 9, 2015, 5.00pm, at Urban Center Bologna, Sala Atelier, Gianluca Abbate, Chiara Zevi, Maria Laura Del Tento and Fabian Ribezzo, film makers awarded during the ceremony at Cinema Lumiere on March 1 will present their work during a conversation with Giovanni Ginocchini, Director of the Urban Center Bologna, Anna Di Martino, Director of Festival Visioni Italiane, Claudio Sgarbi, architect and professor at Carleton University, Honorary member of City Space Architecture, our President Luisa Bravo and our charter members Simone Garagnani and Valerio Francia. The jury composed by Antonio Iascone, Fabio Mantovani, Pierluigi Molteni, Piero Orlandi, Mario Piccinini and Francesco Satta will contribute to the discussion.
The shortlisted films are:
"Panorama" by Gianluca Abbate - Winner
"Io li ho visti" by Chiara Zevi and Maria Laura Del Tento - Honourable mention
"A Tropical Sunday" by Fabian Ribezzo - Honourable mention
Urban Visions is a project of communication, through films, of the contemporary urban complexity.
Urban Visions is included in the list of collateral events of the Biennale Spazio Pubblico, that will take place in Rome, May 21-24, 2015. 

Follow #UrbanVisions on Facebook.


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Urban Visions | Beyond the Ideal City | Cineteca di Bologna Festival

July 28, 2014
By City Space Architecture

2014-07/bandovi2015_1.jpgLast April we launched on our website a national competition for short films, entitled "Beyond the Ideal City", as a part of the "Past Present and Future of Public Space" international research activity, involving art, architecture and urban design, in partnership with Cineteca di Bologna and Ottagono.com. The deadline for submitting proposals was June 3, 2014.

According with the competition announcement, we were planning to award the winner on June 25, during the cinema session of the "Past Present and Future of Public Space" international conference, that took place in Bologna, June 25-27. We created a Facebook page for this event, look here to get more news of what happened!
But just few days before the conference, while we were watching the submitted proposals and discussing with the jury, we received the offer from Cineteca di Bologna to include our competition in the next "Visioni Italiane" [Italian Visions] Festival, a well-known Italian competition for short films. That was really a great offer for us!
Together with Ottagono.com we decided to postpone the call for proposals, as a brand new section of the Cineteca Festival, entitled "Urban Visions | Beyond the Ideal City".

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Beyond the ideal city | National competition for short films

April 23, 2014
By City Space Architecture

2014-04/beyond-ideal-city_cover.jpgThe international conference "Past Present and Future of Public Space," which will take place next June 25-27 in Bologna (Italy), is getting closer! But there is still time to contribute.
We are very proud to announce that City Space Architecture in collaboration with the Cineteca di Bologna and Ottagono.com have just launched a national competition for short films, called "Beyond the ideal city".
Not just words then, but also images, stories and emotions to describe and discuss the Past Present and Future of Public Space. In line with the international academic research project, the main purpose of this competition is to investigate the contemporary city, the connections, intersections and urban activities that take place inside it, seen through complex social issues, contexts and human geographies. Forgetting those seducing shapes of the ideal city, the competition asks to explore the public realm beyond the stereotypes and well-known images of consumerism, looking for hidden aspects that our eyes, deliberately or unconsciously, in the daily experience don't want or cannot see.
The deadline for sending short films is June 3, 2014. No registration fee is required.
On June 25, during the international conference, in a special session at Cinema Europa (via Pietralata 55), the jury will award the winner in front of a large audience, with the "Prize Ottagono.com", worth euro 2,000 in cash. The short film will then be presented and discussed.
The competition announcement (in Italian) can be downloaded HERE (as a .pdf file).

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