City Space Architecture meets Venice Architecture Biennale 2016

May 26, 2016
By City Space Architecture

Biennale SessionsWe are very glad to announce that City Space Architecture has signed an agreement with La Biennale di Venezia in order to be included in the "Biennale Sessions", a special program promoted by the Venice Architecture Biennale for Universities, Academies of Fine Arts and Higher Education Institutions in order to be actively involved in the visit of the exhibition and promote special events and meetings, as part of our educational activities.
The 15th International Architecture Exhibition, titled REPORTING FROM THE FRONT, is curated by Alejandro Aravena and chaired by Paolo Baratta. The exhibition will be open to the public from Saturday May 28th to Sunday November 27th 2016 at the Giardini and the Arsenale.

“In his trip to South America – related Alejandro Aravena - Bruce Chatwin encountered an old lady walking the desert carrying an aluminium ladder on her shoulder. It was German archaeologist Maria Reiche studying the Nazca lines. Standing on the ground, the stones did not make any sense; they were just random gravel. But from the height of the stair those stones became a bird, a jaguar, a tree or a flower."
Aravena thus expressed his hope that the Biennale Architettura 2016 might “offer a new point of view like the one Maria Reiche has on the ladder. Given the complexity and variety of challenges that architecture has to respond to, REPORTING FROM THE FRONT will be about listening to those that were able to gain some perspective and consequently are in the position to share some knowledge and experiences with those of us standing on the ground.”
“We believe  - explained Aravena - that the advancement of architecture is not a goal in itself but a way to improve people’s quality of life. Given that life ranges from very basic physical needs to the most intangible dimensions of the human condition, consequently, improving the quality of the built environment is an endeavour that has to tackle many fronts: from guaranteeing very concrete, down-to-earth living standards to interpreting and fulfilling human desires, from respecting the single individual to taking care of the common good, from efficiently hosting daily activities to expanding the frontiers of civilization. The curator’s proposal is therefore twofold: “on the one hand we would like to widen the range of issues to which architecture is expected to respond, adding explicitly to the cultural and artistic dimensions that already belong to our scope, those that are on the social, political, economical and environmental end of the spectrum. On the other hand, we would like to highlight the fact that architecture is called to respond to more than one dimension at a time, integrating a variety of fields instead of choosing one or another.
REPORTING FROM THE FRONT will be about sharing with a broader audience, the work of people who are scrutinizing the horizon looking for new fields of action, facing issues like segregation, inequalities, peripheries, access to sanitation, natural disasters, housing shortage, migration, informality, crime, traffic, waste, pollution and the participation of communities. And simultaneously it will be about presenting examples where different dimensions are synthesized, integrating the pragmatic with the existential, pertinence and boldness, creativity and common sense."
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City Space Architecture is partner of Carleton University

May 19, 2016
By City Space Architecture

2016-05/csa_intern.jpgWe are delighted to announce that City Space Architecture is partner of Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) in the research project called "New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada", funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Program.

New Paradigm / New Tools is intended to explore the implications for architectural practice and pedagogy in what Gustavo Araoz characterizes as a “new paradigm” for heritage conservation. Araoz, president of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), observes that, while the parameters that guide theories of conservation have gradually moved toward intangible heritage, the practice of heritage conservation remains doggedly preoccupied with monuments. To address this, Araoz argues that we must separate the heritage values associated with cultural objects from the objects themselves. The role of the heritage architect, then, is not as a guardian of buildings per se — but as an agent for “managing change” through negotiation with competing cultural voices. 

"New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada" is coordinated by CIMS - Carleton Immersive Media Studio and it is involving leading international institutions and universities.

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Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City

February 21, 2016
By City Space Architecture


After the success of the first edition in 2015, we are very glad to present the 2016 edition of Visioni Urbane | Urban Visions. Beyond the ideal city, an Italian competition for short films entirely dedicated to the investigation of the contemporary city. Visioni Urbane is a section of the 22 edition of Visioni Italiane/Italian Visions Festival, a well-known Italian film competition promoted by Cineteca di Bologna, a prime centre known globally for film studies, film archives and film restoration.
The Festival will open on Wednesday February 24: 5 days for more than 70 films, more than 50 film-makers, meetings and master classes with directors and actors of the Italian film industry.

The full program of the Festival is available at this link:
Watch the trailer:

Visioni Urbane is the first film competition in the Italian context involving film-makers at a professional level on topics related to cities and urbanity, so it is a unique platform able to foster interaction and exchange between different disciplines, such as architecture, sociological studies, urban design and film studies, while delivering to spectators insights and meanings on daily urban life in cities.

Follow Visioni Urbane on our Facebook page (in Italian):
and on our Twitter profile @CitySpaceArchi with the hashtag #VisioniUrbane.

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BIM 4 Dummies

January 18, 2016
By City Space Architecture

BIM 4 dummies


Il Building Information Modeling, individuato dalla sigla BIM, è oggi un termine diffusissimo ma abusato nelle riviste e nelle pubblicità commerciali del mondo delle costruzioni, inteso sempre più ad indicare un avanzamento tecnologico-digitale senza precedenti.

In realtà il BIM non è mai stato un programma per computer o un modello 3D, bensì un processo orientato al coordinamento di attività convergenti nella realizzazione delle costruzioni di qualità.

Nell'ambito delle proprie attività di divulgazione, approfondimento e promozione della cultura progettuale innovativa nell'edilizia, nell'architettura e nell’ingegneria, siamo lieti di annunciare l’avvio di un workshop di formazione “BIM 4 dummies” in collaborazione con BIM Foundation.

Durante gli incontri verranno esaminati i caratteri fondamentali del BIM, mediante la realizzazione di un piccolo progetto architettonico prodotto con un noto e diffuso software di progettazione parametrica.


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MaPS. Mastering Public Space | International events next May in Italy

April 15, 2015
By City Space Architecture


City Space Architecture is proud to announce a series of events for the presentation of first year's results of "MaPS. Mastering Public Space", international research project, that will take place next May 23-31, 2015 in Italy.

MaPS is a collaborative research network involving more than 25 leading Universities and institutions all around the world. It promotes a critical reflection on public space, in a multidisciplinary field of action. 

MaPS works on education, research and innovative, human-oriented design.

MaPS is part of an international debate on public space and urbanity. It is a network of cities from Argentina, United States of America, Canada, Italy, Spain, Greece, Crete, Germany, UK, Sweden, Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

MaPS involves scholars together with undergraduate, graduate and PhD students from:
National Technical University of Athens, Greece / University of Auckland, New Zealand / Thammasat University, Thailand / UPC – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain / QUT – Queensland University of Technology, Australia / Universidad de Palermo, Argentina / Lebanese American University, Lebanon / University of Canberra, Australia / Illinois Institute of Technology, USA / Università di Bologna, Italia / The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China / Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Israel / Taylor’s University, Malaysia / University of Nicosia, Cyprus / Carleton University, Canada / KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden / co+labo Radovic, Keio University, Japan / Università degli studi di Firenze, Italy / National Taiwan University, Taiwan
and professionals from:
Barcelona / Beirut / Berlin / Bologna / London / Mostar / Tripoli
and non-profit cultural associations such as:
International Society of Biourbanism / Labirinto: Culture e Civiltà Mediterranee


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